archive NanoShaper 0.7 cumulative bugfix Popular

By 2817 downloads

This bugfix is cumulative and it is a superset of the previous one.

Bugfix description:

This bugfix allows NanoShaper to save the status map if requested. The previous version ignored the Save_Status_map flag. To apply the patch overwrite the given source files in the src folder and type make (Linux) or recompile in Visual Studio (Windows). 

This bug fix increases the version number to 0.7.5

Additionally we provide precompiled 32/64 bits versions of NanoShaper for Windows.The 32 bit version should run almost everywhere, included older Windows XP based machines.

The 64 bit version requires Windows 7 or above, the shipped .dll in the path (or the running directory) and the Visual Studio 2013 redistributable package installed.